The Trilogy & More
PG ChroniCles CarTooNs
Stay tuned, a better me is coming soon in PG Chronicles Cartoons: PG Cartoons & Tha PlayGround, PG Cartoons & Tha Star David, PG Reanimated Cartoons, PG Cartoons & Cessar's Corner, Princess Anessa & Tha Kingdom of David Fairytale and Porky & Tha Mystery Woman.
A story about a young boy, Porky/Glenn (PG) and his tales of adversity being amongst his classmates at school and at tha playground. PG uses his creative imagination to battle his insecurities with his family nick name and a pair of hideous shoes that he must wear first day back to school six grade. Tales of wonder and adventure battling domestic violence at home and bullying at school from the time he wakes up in the morning till he returns home.
A story about a young man Porky/Glenn (PG) who has dealt with a lot of racism and favoritism in the work place and decides to transform himself into the greatest businessman and father the world has ever seen.
A story about inner city children, who have dealt with domestic violence and bullying in school or in their neighborhood, growing up in the cities across the United States.
A story about a young man (Glenn aka PG) who goes into business with a friend and is quickly reminded why he stopped working for other people.
A story about young princess (Anessa) who was taking away from her parents at birth by an evil woman and finds her way back to her father King David after receiving dreams or premonitions of her family on her 8th birthday.
A story about two teenage rising stars who finds each other during a rap battle and become best friends and lovers as well as a dual act that takes the hip hop industry on by storm with their energy and passion.