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Authors/Authoress Voting Poll

Coming Soon!
Vote for your Best & Favorite
Author, Writer & Storyteller

SpotLight Star Nominees

PG Chronicles Magazine is in the business of "Helping Artists Connect with the Public"...and we do that with the 3 Pillars; Our Publication, Social Media and Marketing.  Receive a FREE Artist Bio Upload and Shout Out with our "Shout Out Package" or 50% Off  our "Artist Bio Combo" & "Artist Promo Package" when you subscribe to our publication and social media.  Our goal is to reach 1 Million new subscriptions in the year 2018.   So pick the package that's right for you and let's get rolling.

If that's not enough coming soon, enter our contest for best and/or favorite author in your field, city and state for SpotLight Star an invite your family, friends, fans and public to vote for you at Tha PlayGround.

Author M. Skye

Authors, Writers & Storytellers

Authors, Writers & Storytellers

Authors, Writers & Storytellers

C. M. Krishack






Vote Now
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Contact: David Judah aka (PG)t


Indianapolis, IN, USA

Phone: 317-238-9896

©2017 created by Glendale Odom, PG Chronicles Art, Business & Entertainment - Magazine. 

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